Daily Shower is here for propagating the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Rain down, O heavens, from above. Let the clouds pour down righteousness[all the blessings of God]. Let the earth open up, let salvation bear fruit, And righteousness spring up with it; I, the Lord, have created it (Isaiah 45:8).

Time to sanitise the Church of God …

He found the people who were selling oxen and sheep and doves, and the money changers sitting at their tables. He made a whip of cords, and drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and the oxen; and He scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables; then to those who sold the doves He said, “Take these things away! Stop making My Father’s house a place of commerce! John 2: 13-16

Marriage is good. But you must be prepared for it

Before marriage there are some skills you must have acquired, don't forget that marriage is not between a boy and a girl but between a man and a woman of matured mind and have understood what marriage is all about. This is very important for any one planning on settling down, also remember that wedding is for a day and marriage is everlasting, this is the more reason you must have acquire the skills below before marriage. Read more here...

Try online learning to improve your education

A lot of people wish to or are pursuing an online education in order to further their academic goals. But what exactly are the benefits of pursuing an online education?

Division of Labour in God's House

The story was so inspiring that I always consider it a good illustration of how one should live his life… Read Ephesians 5:23,25-26

Five Plus Two Does Not Equal Seven

The story of the two fishes and five loaves of bread is the only one that appears in all four gospels, although there are some slight differences. For example, John 6:9 mentions the involvement of the small boy. This story happened just after the death of John the Baptist.

When Jesus heard that his cousin was beheaded, he did what some of us do when a friend or relative dies-he went off to a quiet place to think, pray and grieve. Jesus wasn't the only person who was mourning the death of John the Baptist. His followers were also in mourning. They had lost their powerful leader. If he could be killed, then no one was safe-not even Jesus. They were seeking a new leader.

This story shows a contrast between two different parties-a party hosted by Herod and a party hosted by Jesus. Herod's party was one of lust, cowardice, rash words, hatred and murder-all because he was so enamored by the dancing of his step-daughter that he made a rash promise that led to the death of John the Baptist. In contrast, Jesus' party as shown by the miracle of the loaves and fish is one that leads people to freedom and life.

The miracle of the loaves and fish is not so much what Jesus does as what happens among the crowd in Jesus' presence. The miracle shows us God's character, the nature of the coming Kingdom, and the nature of the Kingdom in our hearts when it has transformed us. Our heavenly Father, as the head of the household, establishes the household, sustains and liberates us and guides us to spiritual fulfillment. The foundation of God's household is the duty he imposes on us to care for each other.

Jesus always seems to be asking more of us than we have to give-as spouses and parents and students and workers and on and on. He calls on us to love, even when love is difficult; to forgive, even when we have been wronged; to stand fast and firm on our principles, even when it mean standing alone. And those things are not easy to do. After all, we are not Jesus, and our powers are not unlimited, as his were.

Jesus bore witness to our spiritual duty to care for each other. There is enough for everyone when we live in right relation and harmony, but in reality there are millions of people who live in poverty and are starving.

What can we do? Well, we can do what Jesus did. Jesus took the small amount of food that was offered and used it to do his work by using it as an example for the disciples and for us. When we work together and use what we have to do God's work, God will multiply what we offer. Little is enough when God is involved.

Following Jesus is a radical lifestyle. Today, Jesus asks us if we are willing to do the same. Are we willing to give up some of what we have, that others might not go hungry? Are we willing to give out of what God has given to us?

Thanks to Craig Condon a Lay Minister from Canada, we are able to read this nice reflection. you can view the complete are by reaching craign by email at craig.condon2@ns.sympatico.ca


Who Owns Nigeria - Christians or Muslims?

Who Owns Nigeria - Christians or Muslims?

Nigeria, a country blessed by the Almighty God, is made up so many parts. All of these parts are associated with one form of religion or the other. However, there are two prominent religions that are practiced by the larger population of the country - Christianity and Islam. For obvious reasons, these religions have been struggling to maintain a leadership position or superiority over the others.

The government at the centre has always been watching the religious drama as it unfolds on daily basis. Most leaders have often been tempted to take sides with the ugly development thereby soiling their hands in the murky waters of religious extremism. In places, where the Christians are in majority, Muslims cry foul, alleging marginalization and same thing happens in places where the Muslims are in majority. In such areas, introducing oneself as a member of one religion where the other is in majority is to say the least, creating animosity.
In situations as bad as this, the central government is expected to remain neutral and unbiased arbitrator in matters of this nature. A perfect example is the seizure of all the Christian (Mission) schools by the Federal Republic of Nigeria years back. It should be noted that, the Federal Government of Nigeria acted in line with true "federalism", the nature of these schools notwithstanding. Nationals who do not subscribe to the Christian religion will be free to acquire Western Education without engendering religious jealousy. Though, without apology, the Federal Government of Nigeria, it should be noted, acted in the interest of national unity to create an environment where Muslims and Christians will feel free in a plural society, attend the same school, and interact socially, without being maligned.

The on-going debate on the government's introduction of "Islamic Banking System", which has already put the two religions (Christianity and Islam) at loggerhead is an issue that calls for public attention. The Nigerian Banking Sector which has been experiencing myriads of reform policies lately, which are carefully initiated and carried out in its leadership position, has not witnessed the kind of heat this new reform is generating.
Right thinking Nigerians have remained apprehensive over the issue due to the power of religion to create division. The planned introduction of Islamic banking model into the Nigerian financial landscape is one of the issues that have raised so much dust as result of the term "Islamic" that is attached to the name. The things that happen in this country on daily basis have made the proponents of a single and indivisible nation under the name "Nigeria" to have a rethink. As a result, there is a debate on the issue of "nomenclature" whether or not the proposed non-interest banking should maintain the name "Islamic Banking". Pundits have said that the term "Islamic Banking" will only succeed in stoking the fires of mutual distrust in a peculiar religion-sensitive environment like Nigeria. It is also seen that adopting the controversial name will be a grave violation of the nation's secular status.

The on-going debate which has actually generated so much trouble. The Christians in one hand, are accusing the Muslims of enjoying cheap popularity by allowing the government to place Islam above and against other religions in the country, especially on their purported bid to Islamize Nigeria (see Daily Trust, Monday July 4, 2011, page 30 and Thursday July, 7, 2011, pages 26-27). The Muslims, on the other hand, are accusing the Christians of being ignorant and at the same time, deviating from real Christianity, if they agree with the present Nigerian banking system that promotes extortion.

Debunking the claims of the Christians that "Islamic Banking" is a way to Islamize Nigeria, the Muslims claim that their voices have not been heard over the years in the activities of Nigerian government especially, in policy making, because according to them, Nigerian government has been operating on the English Christian Laws. The question that most Nigerians have not failed to ask as a result of this unsubstantiated claim is, "When did English Laws translate into Christian Laws?" English Laws, as we know, came as a result of British colonization of Nigeria, not through religious (Christian) imposition. It should be noted here that the Christians in Nigeria are not at home with everything in the Nigerian Constitution because, there are so many things in the law that run contrary to Christian ethics. In other words, Christians and Muslims should learn to accommodate the plurality of the Nigerian nation and desist from unwarranted utterances that could cause chaos.

 Everybody (no matter the tribe, or religion) is needed in building a united Nigeria. Christians and Muslims are expected to live in peace with one another. Every good invention or discovery to advance the nation is highly appreciated. When one part discovers a thing, the other parts benefit without subjecting the up-coming parts to servitude.

The claim that the concept of "Islamic Banking" is ominous is an understatement, because it is truly not in the national interest. A critical look at the nomenclature tells us that Islam takes the credit of banking reformation in Nigeria even when all the people working day and night in building the solid banking system are not Muslims. As a person, I have always liked people initiating good projects and programmes that will not only unite Nigeria but help in taking her to the next level. This system of "non-interest" banking as advocated by the leadership of Nigeria's apex bank is a welcome idea, but the religious colouration of it is not proper. In other words, the apex bank should develop a listening culture where people's contributions in the way it runs the activities of the banking sector should be valued. This will kill the idea of a section of the country raising shoulders over and above the others for having their names written in gold, even when the hand holding the pen and the paper belongs elsewhere.

However, the idea of one's voice not being heard in a nation like Nigeria suggests selfishness. Nigeria belongs to all of us and contributing to its growth should always be a collective work. This is why removing the religious colouration from this system of banking will go a long way in safeguarding against any form of discrimination, as the approach of the apex bank is a poor demonstration of sensitivity to the unity of Nigeria. The government should as a matter of urgency, suspend the action of the apex bank until a compromise is reached, since the idea of an "Islamic Banking" for a country like Nigeria is capable of playing one religion against another. Also, having studied the issue at hand, the government as well as the apex bank should consider the following as a way out:

1. A better, but unifying nomenclature should be adopted and the concept of "Islamic Banking" dropped hence it is capable of over-heating the already charged political and religious atmosphere of the country. It will also help in uniting all the different religious groups without engendering jealousy or religious bickering.

2. New banks should be established which will completely carry out the Islamic Banking System. This will create the needed difference from the already existing system of banking operation in Nigeria. This idea is also healthy because it will give room for competition and enhance customer's banking choice.

3. Government should create room for religious organizations to participate in the banking sector by way of owning and managing banks to their own tastes and standards. This will help in creating an enabling environment for those who hide under the cloak a country to champion or further the course of a particular religion to have a level playing ground that will expose their expertise in handling financial matters.

4. If the establishment of new banks is not possible at the moment, already existing banks will be given the option of choosing between the present banking system and the proposed "non-interest banking" system. This will alleviate the fear of imposing a particular religion over a right thinking and free citizens of Nigeria.
Nigerians should understand that the nationality of this country is not built on a particular ethnic or religious group, therefore, learning to accommodate one another means that issues of national interest should always be weighed against all odds before they are adopted or implemented. However, the accusations and counter-accusations from these religious bodies should be put to rest because they are truly unhealthy to our cooperate existence. Nigeria belongs to neither the Christians alone nor to the Muslims alone. Let us learn to love, cherish and accommodate one another. God bless Nigeria!

Vitus Ejiogu our contributor is a writer and publisher with the Fire-Brand Int"l Ministries, a media ministry that is based in Nigeria. He is the editor of FOUNDATION SATELLITE magazine also published by the ministry. He pastors a Church in Bauchi and is married with two children. You can reach him at: firebrandhq@yahoo.com or: 234 80 8181 829.

Blessed John Paul II...A little drop in the ocean

Six years ago, millions of people gathered at the St. Peters basilica for the burial of Pope, John Paul II. Today, about 90 heads of state including Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwean president and other dignitaries attended his beatification. I was surprised that Robert Mugabe is a Roman Catholic.

Today is a memorable day in the catholic world-Pope, John Paul II’s, official beatified. Here is a little story that illustrates what a little drop of water can do to increase the level of the ocean.

A man died, was buried and went to the judgment seat of God. As he took his place in the queue, he took no comfort from the judgments he heard being handed out. To one person the Lord said. ‘Enter… because I was hungry and you game me food; to another ‘come… I was a stranger, and you took me in; to a third, ‘I was sick and you visited me.’  More and more people came and the lord gave them rewards for the kind works they have done while on earth.

The dead man became dejected because he couldn’t see clearly any kind work he had done while on earth.

Then came the dead man’s turn and the lord looked at him kindly and said; ‘like you, I was once dejected and downcast and you told me funny stories; I was depressed and you made me laugh… come on in you are blessed.

There are issues of much debate concerning the beatification of Pope John Paul II. Some have criticized John Paul II's handling of the Church's child sex abuse scandal as poor. According to the Vatican, he could not have been expected to do something about events he knew nothing of. 

Pope John Paul II will be remembered as one of the great Popes of modern times says a BBC correspondent in Rome. Like our friend in the story, he was not the most perfect of them all; however, he left a mark telling us that we too are capable as mother Theresa of Calcutta said of becoming “a little drop in the ocean”.


"Death has its limits. Christ has opened up a great hope: the hope of life beyond the sphere of death." (John Paul II)

"Have humble and courageous awareness of what the Father has given you. Let this awareness be your strength, your light, your hope."

"Mary,Mother of beautiful love, pray for us! Teach us to love God and our brethren, as you have love them. Cause our love for others to be patient, benign, respectful." Totus Tuus Ego Sum

"What really matters in life is that we are loved by Christ and that we love Him in return. In comparison with the love of Jesus, everything else is secondary. And, without the love of Jesus, everything else is useless." (Blessed John Paul II)

"Be Not Afraid! Open up, no;... swing wide the gates to Christ. Open up to his saving power the confines of the State, open up economic and political systems, the vast empires of culture, civilization and development…. Be not afraid!"

Please pray and intercede in Heaven for all the members of AFRICAN CATHOLICS and for Africa.

Blessed John Paul II…Pray for us.

John Paul II beatified in Vatican ceremony

Pope, John Paul II, has been officially beatified at a ceremony at the Vatican in front of hundreds of thousands of Catholic faithful.

Among those at St Peter's Square is French nun Marie Simon-Pierre, who says she was cured of Parkinson's Disease.

Her apparently miraculous cure is part of the case for the beatification, the last stage before sainthood.
It comes amid criticism of the Church for the speed of the beatification and the clerical child sex abuse scandal.

Much of the abuse occurred while John Paul II was Pope, from 1979-2005, and the Church has been criticised for not doing enough to punish those found responsible.

Police in Rome estimated that one million people had come to the city for the event, including large numbers of pilgrims from the late Pope's native Poland.

St Peter's Square, in the Vatican, was packed, with the faithful waving banners and flags as Pope Benedict XVI declared his predecessor blessed, or beatified.

Rome has not seen crowds of this size since the death of Pope John Paul II six years ago when some three million pilgrims converged on the Italian capital, says the BBC's Vatican correspondent David Willey.
Zimbabwean leader Robert Mugabe was among those attending the beatification.

A Roman Catholic, he was given special permission by the EU to fly to Italy despite being the subject of a travel ban.

The presidents of Poland and Mexico are also among some 90 heads of state and other dignitaries attending the beatification.

Giant screen
St Peter's Square was transformed for the occasion with a giant video screen showing Pope John Paul II's life story and a massive photograph hung from the white colonnades.

The late pontiff's coffin was exhumed from the crypt below St Peter's Basilica to be placed in front of the altar.

After the Mass, it will be moved to a different part of the basilica.
Some have questioned the Church's speed in beatifying the late Pope, just six years after his death.
Others have criticised John Paul II's handling of the Church's child sex abuse scandal.

"This sprint to sainthood is to deflect examinations into JPII's unedifying record on clerical child abuse - and, with it, Benedict's own role," said Keith Porteous Wood of Britain's National Secular Society.

Although John Paul II will be remembered as one of the great Popes of modern times, says our Vatican correspondent, the sex abuse scandal is the unspoken footnote of history.

The Vatican says he could not have been expected to do something about events he knew nothing of, but it is unlikely he was completely unaware of the growing scandal, our correspondent says.

to view the complete article visit www.bbcBBC UK

You will live to tell your own Easter story...

They were divided among them. One group said let us kill him while the other said no, he is our king. Why should we kill our king? So they deliberated until in the end the group of death killed him. But God had other plans. The difference between God and man is that we always think of the present while God thinks not of the present but of tomorrow. He knew He had conquered man. He had performed miracles after miracles among them. There is, then, only one final ground, one final test, “that is the underworld”. He had to prove to death that He is the lord of both the living and the dead. He needed man to send Him to the underworld that was why it happened in the first place.

One bible verse that captures this very well is psalm 24. We read that the earth is the lord’s and even those that dwelt there in, because he founded it on the deep waters beneath the earth and laid its foundations in the ocean depths. We destroyed God’s idea of a perfect world and there was need to rebuild it. God doesn’t do things half done like us, so He had to start the rebuilding process from the foundation of the world. He had to go to the underworld and lay a new foundation for the earth.

When Christ died, the cloth in the temple was torn into pieces, there was heavy rain and thunder and total darkness engulfed the whole world, these are signs that a new order of things is starting. This new foundation had to be laid by one who is pure and righteous and who could ascent to the throne of God. We couldn’t do that because of our sins. Christ was to do that because He alone is holy. He went underground after his death, and as He was approaching the prison of the underworld, the gate keeper saw the glory coming with him.

Before now it was the custom to manually open the gate. However, because of the glory of Christ, the gate and the gate keeper started talking and behold everything became automatic. The gate keeper shouted, ‘lift us your heads oh gates and be lifted up ye ancient doors! (the door was old) that the king of glory may come in.” the ancient gate had started experiencing what it was like to be born a new because the glory that was manifested was too much. And so, the gate shouted, ‘who is this king of glory?’ The gate keeper answered, ‘the Lord, Strong and Mighty, the Lord Mighty in Battle… The Lord of Host is the King of Glory.

When Jesus cried it is finished on the cross, the disciples misunderstood him and thought it was finished with them. Judas forgot the story of the prodigal son and went to commit suicide. Peter and others thought to themselves, ‘3 years, 3 years we have been following this man. So this is how it’s going to end?’ so they slipped away to contemplate their miserable life. But with God, every ending is a new beginning. 3 days later Jesus rose triumphant from the dead and guaranteed a place for you and me.

Like the gate keeper, the old gate and the disciples, we’ve being worn out with problems; some couldn’t celebrate the joy of the season. Someone said to me ‘it is still the same me.’ But hear this, ‘your tomorrow is filled with wonders. Believe me, I have being there but I have come to know this truth ‘if you have lost sight of your tomorrow, it is time to rediscover it again’. God is interested in your tomorrow and that is why His son died for us. There is only one place to rediscover it. ‘At the foot of the cross’. Just like dead bodies were rising on the third day, you too will rise. Acknowledge, confess and release your yesterdays to the crucified Christ and you will live to tell your own Easter story.

In Christ we stand...IN AND OUT OF SEASON

we have come to the time, as Nigerians, when we present ourselves and show our selves to be truly patriotic, with the love of our father land moving us all. we ought to engage in this patriotic show with the influence and the mindset of our religious background. am I saying that we should engage in the politics of religion? No, I am not saying that. what I am saying is that our partriotism should flow from who we are- christians. our christinianity should not be that of the fanatic, that of a fanatic, that of a jihadist. we should look upon Christ who in his patriotism, asked us to give to pilate what belonged to pilate and to God what belongs to God. it is time for us to give to pilate and we need to do that with an air of intergrity. Nigerians I am telling you that this is the time for us to get things right with everything, especially with our electorate and particularly as it concerns the Nigerian situation and the Nigerian person. it is time for us to get things right. we can do this by voting the right person in. voting the right person means that we do not subscribe to any bribery or corruption, for if we give in now, we would reap what wu sowed- corruption. it is not without doubt that in such a time, money has exchanged hands and people have decived others into thinking that a corrupt person would make a good candidste for the office in question. Nigerians we should have learnt our lessons by now, yes indeed, we should have. they have always promised but failed and we have even failed on our own part, because we have constantly voted for people based on what we have received from them.

In Christ we stand not for bribery or corruption, In Christ we stand, not for biased or sectarian politics, In Christ we stand not for Party Politics, In Christ we stamd not for religious or tribal politics, but in Christ we stand for the right thing and the honest thing and the Upright thing. I am not campaiging for anyone, neither am I saying that if you vote it would not be counted because of election malpractice. All I am saying is that Nigerians should do the right thing, with respect to this period of our ever nascent democracy. we are still crawling and as such we need to take the right decisions. I know that, particularly in the North the politics of religion ranks very high, and as such it is a very tense area. but in the midst of this tension, we should do the right thing and stand for the good. In Christ we stand in and out of season, and at this period we are in season, we should thus stand with Christ. we should stand for Christ in our patriotism. it is time we get the right people in power and hope that they work for the good of all. I am not saying that Jonathan or Ribadu or Buhari or Shekaru etc, is the right person, neither am I giving to you a credible candidate for any of the electoral offices. NIGERIANS PLEASE DO THE RIGHT THING...lest we suffer for another 4 years. Make Christ proud by standing with him in and during this period of elections.

Isaiah 55:8-9

reading through this text, you would come to know how infinitely distanced we are to God. and yet He is closer to us than we can ever imagine. how is that possible? it is possible because there is nothing impossible for him to do. God would never allow those that are His, to be far off. even when such an individual desires to go far off, he is always chasing behind, pleading but never compelling that individual to turn around and come His way. this is not a homily on this text, it is rather to restate a fact which is that in the midst of your confusion, trials and troubles, God who is infinitely distanced is very close to you. and also to assure us of the fact that even though we are in many regards very diffeernt in minds and thought from God, He still loves us, with a love that is very hard to understand. we are walking with a God whose ways are very strange. imagine the situation of an individual who has for a long time prayed and fasted for a particular intention, and yet response does not come. he rather sees others, who have not prayed or fasted as hard getting such prayers for them on a platter of gold. what do you expect such a one to think? your guess can be as good as mine- frustration and pain. to such an individual, Isaiah 55:8-9 gives you an answer. we most times do not get what we want from God because we are not ready to receive it and moreso becasue that is not the right time for us to get it. God does not desire that we leave Him alone, even though He can do without us. He has a mind of His own and He would answer us when the time is right, with an answer that would wow us. AND SO YOU THINK GOD DOES NOT CARE?

The Shepherd who Became king...

Yet another long reading so long that one is tempted to sit down while the reading was going on.

Samuel a great judge, prophet and king maker chosen while he was still a child came to Bethlehem to offer sacrifice. At noon the field was filled with people and the elders had got everything ready. Jesse and all his sons were invited. When Samuel arrived for sacrifice, the crowd became silent because he Samuel came with a horn of oil in his prophet belt. That means a special coronation service which no one knew of will take place. After the public service, Samuel faithful to God went to Jesse’s house. Poor Jesse, it must have been a great privilege for him to have Israel’s king maker and prophet visit his house hold.

‘Jesse’ said Samuel, ‘I would like to see all your sons’. Poor Jesse invited all his sons except one “Israel’s shepherd king.” The prophet wanted to anoint Eliab because of his appearance and height. But GOD was looking for something more than that. He was looking for a man after his own heart, a man that he could easily connect with. God must have watched David play the harp for his family, He must have watched him fight fierce battle to save his sheep, He must have noticed the tender loving heart of David and say to himself, “at last I have found a king who will console me even while these people sin against me”. David was naturally gifted in music and music can easily touch the heart of men. How much more will praise do the very being of God? God knew this but Jesse and Samuel didn’t.

Again the prophet turned to Jesse and said ‘are these all your sons?’ no said Jesse, ‘One more David the youngest, but he is with the sheep.’ Send for him said Samuel. The boy David-handsome, well built with a friendly smile stood before Samuel. Samuel looked into the boy’s eyes, hesitated a little and stood up. He took the great horn from his belt and said ’Jesse, this boy David the shepherd, your youngest son will be the next king of Israel; a great king he will be, greater than Saul and will reign many years to come “but” he will know great danger. However, God will protect him because he has chosen him.

Jesse looked at David and tried to figure it out for himself. David! King? Why David, why not Eliab with well built muscles also a warrior? He loved David because David was just like his dead wife. Good looking, beautiful eyes like that of his mother, her love for music David had inherited and delights the family occasionally with his harp and songs. So, naturally they loved David in the family because he was capable of making the family happy with his music when they are sad. Jesse was a little worried why? Because for him, there was nothing princely or kingly about David, yet God had chosen him. Wasn’t Samuel making a mistake? He must have thought to himself. Poor Jesse was sad and happy because one of his sons will be king of Israel some day but it was not the son he had expected.

The story didn’t end yet. Years later, Israel’s greatest king, leader, song writer and a man after God’s own heart was reflecting on the circumstances surrounding his election as a king. He couldn’t help crying and that was how he composed a hymn for a “Being” who saw the king in him even while he was a shepherd boy. A being who made a shepherd boy (more like a Fulani cattle boy according to Nigerian tradition) a king. And so, David in appreciation to God gave us our responsorial psalm- “THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD-I SHALL NOT WANT. Even when people see the failure I had become, He-God sees the king in me. God sees opportunity where the human eyes see failure.

 Know this, there is a king in each and every one of us and a king maker coming to make you a better You. When the king maker comes, people from distant land will come and wake you just like they did for David.

God was looking not just for a warrior king but for a man after his own heart. David was one such man. When God decided to choose a man for a task, that man is in trouble, but he will always give him/her the grace to face the troubles. The first thing God did was to allow a demon to torment Saul why? So that David would perfect his music skills. If he could drive a demon out of a man like Saul, he will be able to console God when the people of Israel sin. God also wanted David to know that no matter how great a man is, there is always a “but” to human greatness, fame and pleasure. He was to see this in the life of Saul. A great king but tormented with demon like a child.

See many of the problems that come to us in life, God is just using it to point to something in the future. But our churches today. People catch miracles in the air. Miracles everywhere, God is sure a God of miracles, I believe in miracles because God is a miracle working God but I also believe in a God that leads the people HE loves step by step (teaching them great lessons in life) and each step is a miracle.

Jesus was to properly illustrate this in the gospel. He was asked, “Rabbi, who sinned? This man or his parents, for him to have being born blind?” Neither he nor his parents sinned,” Jesus answered, “He was born blind so that the works of God might be displayed in him.” How will the work of God be displayed in a man born blind from birth.

The Pharisees on the other hand wouldn’t acknowledge that God can and is still a miracle working God even on the Sabbath day. The blind man was able to stand firm and ask an important question I like-“why are you asking me? Do you want to also become his disciple?” when you can make a comeback from blindness, you can face almost anything. Even while his parents were afraid, “ask him” they said. He was able to stand firm.

When you are able to come out victorious from the lessons of unemployment, divorce, looking for a life partner etc. that God is teaching you, you can become a worthy employer tomorrow, you can talk to divorce and lonely people tomorrow, you can raise God fearing kids tomorrow. You can talk the talk because you have walked the walk with God…


The Story of the Ascetic

Hi all… I hope you had a wonderful week?

Thanks for all the messages I have being receiving, I can’t thank you all enough. It shows we are all trying to build a true catholic community.

You, therefore, must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect (Matt: 5:48) Holiness is a value every Christian must strive for. The Gospel of this week reminds me of a young boy who wrote a letter to God saying "Dear God, I want to be just like my Daddy when I get big, but with hair on my head." we all want to be holy but sometimes like the boy's dad, we’ve lost our..? Nevertheless, God is still a gracious God. The psalmist sums up the goodness of God this way...

"Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the Pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy, The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. He does not deal with us according to our sins, nor requite us according to our iniquities. As far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our transgressions from us. As a father pities his children, so the LORD pities those who fear him."

A short story from Anthony de Mello, SJ:

There once was an ascetic who lived a celibate life and made it his life's mission to fight against sex in himself and others.

In due course he died. And his disciple, who could not stand the shock, died a little after him. When the disciple reached the other world he couldn't believe what he saw: There was his beloved master with the most extraordinarily beautiful woman on his lap!

His sense of shock faded when it occurred to him that his master was being rewarded for his sexual abstinence on earth. He went up to him and said, "Beloved Master, now I know that God is just, for you are being rewarded in heaven for your austerities on earth."

The master seemed annoyed. "Idiot!" he said, "This isn't heaven and I'm not being rewarded - she's being punished."

Maybe holiness lies not so much in subjecting ourselves to austerities, but more in being true to who God created us to be. We're all created in God's image, so our genuine selves must be good and worthwhile.

No one can find your meaning for you. You find your true self in the unfathomable love of God as the psalmist said “HE” redeems your life from the Pit, and crowns you with steadfast love and mercy. For where there is love, there is bound to be perfection. for the love of God perfect all things. I hope we all strive to be perfect just like our HEAVENLY FATHER.


The “Angel of the Trans-Amazonia”.

Six years ago this month, more than 2,000 poor Brazilian farmers walked to the remote jungle town of Anapu for the funeral of a catholic nun whom they called the “Angel of the Trans-Amazonia”. The angel had being murdered on a forest path after being intercepted by two gun men who fired six bullets at her.

Dorothy was involved with the Pastoral land Commission, an organization of the Catholic Church that fights for the rights of rural workers and peasants and defends land reform in Brazil. She worked on a local sustainable development project- protecting the valuable biodiversity, but harvesting fruit and other products from tree.

Hundreds of community leaders have being killed in this tribal clash. After she started receiving death threats Dorothy commented, “I don’t want to flee, nor do I want to abandon the battle for the farmers who live without any protection in the forest.” Dorothy stand was intercepted by two gun men on 12 February, 2005; she tried to read a verse from the New Testament bible she was carrying to her killers before they shot her dead.

She was post-humously awarded one of the eight 2008 UN prizes for Human Rights. Dorothy often wore a tee shirt saying: THE END OF THE FOREST, IS THE END OF OUR LIVES.

We are all constantly faced with choices to make everyday concerning our life, career, family etc. To be frank it’s not easy to make daily decisions regarding any aspect of our life. However, decide we must. The protesters of Egypt made a decision and they were able to overcome. We are shaped everyday by the decisions we make.

Dorothy Stang didn’t die because she wanted to die, rather, she died for a cause, the protesters of Egypt protested for a cause. Christ died for a cause. We may not know our cause at present but through the daily decisions we make we might come to the realization of our ultimate cause which for me is God.

The good news is as Christians, we have a road map, to make a good quality choice which will lead us to our final destination and that is what we are constantly being presented to in the Gospels. Choose well and avoid evil. Remember, "what no eye has seen and no ear has heard, what the mind of man cannot visualize; God has prepared for those who love him."

Though, the people of Egypt celebrated their victory in their struggle for democracy and human rights as President Hosni Mubarak resigned last week, many died. We pray for the 302 people that died in last week’s struggle in Egypt. May they rest in peace.

We would appreciate it if you will help us invite your friends to join us here on Facebook.
And Happy VAL. to all

The boy who played piano for his mother

In difficult times, stories of heroic endeavor always hearten us. But sometimes what motivate us are the everyday acts, things so simple that we can easily contribute. Everyone, after all, has the power to give kindness. in helpothers.org there was a story that illustrates this best.

It was the story of Robby. He was a young boy who lived with his elderly mother. His mother wanted him to learn how to play the piano because she longed to hear her son play for her. She sent her son to a piano teacher who took Robby in under her guidance. However, there was one small problem because Robby was not musically inclined and therefore was very slow in learning. The teacher did not have much faith in the boy because of his weakness. The mother was very enthusiastic and every week she would send Robby to the teacher.

One day Robby stopped attending the piano lessons. The teacher thought that he had given up and in fact she was quite pleased since she did not give much hope to Robby. Not long after, the piano teacher was given the task to organize a piano concert in town. She sent out circulars to invite the students and public to attend the event. Suddenly, she received a call from Robby who offered to take part in the concert. The teacher told Robby that he was not good enough and that he was no longer a student since he had stopped coming for lessons. Robby begged her to give him a chance and promised that he would not let her down.

Finally, she gave in and she put him to play last, hoping that he will change his mind at the last minute. When the big day came, the hall was packed and the children gave their best performance. Finally, it was Robby's turn to play and as his name was announced, he walked in. He was not in proper attire and his hair was not properly groomed. The teacher was really nervous since Robby's performance could spoil the whole evening's brilliant performance. As Robby started playing the crowd became silent and was amazed at the skill of this little boy. In fact, he gave the best performance of the evening. At the end of his presentation the crowd and the piano teacher gave him a standing ovation.

The crowd asked Robby how he managed to play so brilliantly. With a microphone in front of him, he said, I was not able to attend the weekly piano lessons as there was no one to send me because my mother was sick with cancer. She just passed away this morning and I wanted her to hear me play. You see, this is the first time she is able to hear me play because when she was alive she was deaf and now I know she is listening to me. I have to play my best for her!

Changing the world starts with one simple act. Christ is the ultimate light of the world and HE, in the gospel is constantly calling us to be a shining light for our world. Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones come daily. Make good use of these Great everyday opportunitie

The Soldier's Story

In the catholic world, the story of Pope John Paul II will re-echo again as on May 1 will be the beatification of the late pontiff. This will be a historic event in the life of the church.

The lord is my light and my help, whom shall I fear? The lord is the fortress of my life, whom should I dread? This was the responsorial psalm for last Sunday readings. A very good verse of the bible remaining us of the need to keep faith even in dark moments.

As I was reading this psalm, I remembered the story of a war time soldier. It was during World War II. They went out for battle and one by one they fell until just a hand full of them started running for their lives. He ran into an old building filled with cobwebs and there he started praying… “God please save me this time” he said. As he was praying, he saw a spider crawling past him and the spider started making cobwebs on the doors of the room where he was.

The solider, started looking at the spider and as he was looking at the spider, the enemy were drawing closer and he started complaining, “ dear God, I asked you to save me from my enemies but all you could do was to sent is a spider. oh poor me!” as the enemy approached the doors, they killed the other soldiers in the other rooms.
When they got to his own door, one of the soldiers said, “this is an old building, nobody will hide himself here the other soldiers asked why and he reply look at the cobwebs, even if somebody is inside, how will he be able to get inside without removing the cobwebs?”So the other soldiers agreed and they all left. And that was how he was saved.

God is always a light when everything else falls apart.
Remember we are all called to be apostles and disciples just like those whom Jesus called in the gospel. All we need to do to stop complaining and start trusting God even in the smallest things of life. Who knows God might want to send us a little spider …… just joking.

I pray for you that, those living in darkness may see a great light through your own story.

Sad Story From Jos-Nigeria

The Story of Jesus' Baptism

The story of Jesus’ baptism reminds us of what happens when one has a clear defined goal and purpose of existence; heaven is open to such a fellow’s vision. Jesus was one such being… who constantly is showing us through the gospel a way to live. Do you realize that everyone was going to john to be baptized because john’s preaching was fierce; warning them of the messiah who is to come? In other words, many came to be baptized as a result of john’s preaching which was pretty good and urgent. But Jesus came for a purpose; namely for healing our sick world, for baptism is a sacrament of healing. And what happen, the heavens were open for him immediately he step into the water.

Jesus went to john to be baptized, why to give us a firsthand example of what baptism could do in the life of a child of God. According to Saint Francis, there is no need to walk looking for where to preach our walking should be our preaching. People themselves can be the most effective of all sermon llustrations. All of us can point to people whom have affected us positively in the dark periods of our lives.

That’s a good illustration of who a baptized Christian is… people may never know him, never met him, they may never have seen him, but they know he passed through their world by the trail of light he left behind him. One of such persons was terry fox of Canada.

Terry fox was a twenty-two year old university student in Canada. A keen sportsman, he was on the college basket-ball team when in 1977 he contracted bone cancer and had to have his right leg amputated. While in the hospital someone sent him a newspaper clipping telling him about an amputee who ran in New York City marathon.

This fired Terry’s imagination so much that he wanted to do something useful with the few remaining years of his life. He decided to run across Canada from the Atlantic to the pacific to raise money for the fight against cancer. He spent eighteen months practicing running with his artificial leg and then on 12 April 1980 he began to run. He dipped his artificial leg in the Atlantic in Newfoundland and set out with pledges for over one million dollars in his pocket.

Then tragedy struck when he was one hundred and fourteen days and three thousand miles into the run. The cancer spread to his lungs and he was forced to give up. As he lay in hospital bed pledges totaling twenty-four million dollars came pouring in. when he died, a stamp was issued in his honor and the nation’s highest accolade, the order of Canada, was conferred on him.

But the story does not end there. Donal mars, a postman in Cincinnati decided to complete the run. Like terry, he too was a cancer victim with just a short time to live. He began in the mid-west and ran to san Francisco. As he dipped his hand in the pacific ocean people noticed a large rainbow arched across the sky.
Terry and donal could have cursed the darknesss- instead, they decided to light a candel….

We are called to bring healing to a dark world. Remember Indomee…. To you, to me, is up to us make the world a better place…. My sincere prayers for you like Jesus, may the heavens be open for you always.


Hi all…. I hope you enjoyed your Christmas?

As the year comes to close, different organizations like yahoo, msn and Google reviewed their sites and published the leading stories of 2010 as well as the general expectation for next year. 2010 is a great year to reflect on. So much has happened in our lives that I think we need to review to see the things we have done and a few things that should have been done. End of the year becomes a time when we all reflect on our lives, relationships, family, carrier and our religious activities.

Gratitude is one thing I give to God when I reflect about what has happened in my life this past year. It’s not being easy; there are times like Elijah experienced that I was fleeing for life and ready to lie down and give up on the journey. At these times, I felt quite drained but God is always God and knows exactly what his children needs the most.

The coming year will give us the opportunity to reflect on our lives and see areas we didn’t do well so as to be able to amend. It is another chance to repair a broken relationship, a family relationship, to reconcile you with God. Don't bear grudges, just forgive yourself, and then forgive everyone else who needs it. Make this a time to clear the decks and start next year full of excitement and expectation.

The reason we do not accomplish the larger things in life is because we do not expect great things of ourselves. Within each of us are powers, which if we would discover and use, could make us everything we ever dreamed or imagine we could become. You are never too late to succeed in your career, your education, vocation and in life. Don’t ever thing this is the end; it’s never over until God says it’s over. You are never too late to get married, get an admission or become the person God created you to be.

Self discovery is the started point of all achievement. You are either self made or never made. God has created you with everything for success. What majority of us don’t know is that what we call trails and failures, are God’s ways of training the man or woman he chooses. Christ was not immune to suffering, you too will not be immune to it that is why john 16:33 says… the world will make you suffer, but be brave! I have defected the world! And if God is for us, who can be against us?

Every man, woman and child who has left their mark on humanity discovered the infinite source of all good or as the philosophers say.. The First Cause of all things. God is a FACTOR you cannot afford to lack in 2011. With God, You will be able to RELAX and see things turn out for good.

Changing the world starts with one simple act. As St. Francis of Assisi once said, "Start by doing what is necessary, then do what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible." 2011, then becomes a time for us to dream big, to go out and motivate others, to go out and do things that others will remember us for. I think that may give you the necessary inspiration and motivation you need for success.
Life is a constant Advent season: we are continually waiting to become, to discover, to complete, to fulfill. Hope, struggle, fear, expectation and fulfillment are all part of our Advent experience. "The world is not as just, not as loving, not as whole as we know it can and should be. But the coming of Christ and his presence among us—as one of us—give us a reason to live in hope: that light will shatter the darkness, that we can be liberated from our fears and prejudices, that we are never alone or abandoned.

May this New Year be a time for bringing hope, transformation and fulfillment into every areas of our lives.

Wishing you all a happy new year..

bomb blast in nigeria

Nigeria, one of Africa’s largest countries has witnessed three bomb blast in less than 4 month. on Friday, October 1 Nigeria’s Independence Day there were two bomb blast in which people lost their lives.

There was news of another bomb blast in Jos on the 24th of December 2010, Christmas eve was a shock to everybody. As was reported there were casualties. A group named Mansoorah claimed to be responsible for the bombing of 24th night. They even made this publicly by punishing a website with the address http://www.mansoorah.net/sb_attacks.php .

On the 31st night, Nigeria’s capital Abuja was rocked again by a deadly explosion. According to www.saharareporters.com, The explosion happened at the crowded “Mammy” market attached to the Abacha Barracks in the Asokoro area of Abuja. Several eyewitnesses said the blast has claimed close to 100 lives and wounded scores more. It was also reported that many of the casualties were soldiers and their family members doing their last minute shopping for the New Year.

Strange happenings in Nigeria……… we pray for Nigeria in 2011

new year around the world by Cnn

new year around the world by Cnn

URBI ET ORBI - Christmas 2010