reading through this text, you would come to know how infinitely distanced we are to God. and yet He is closer to us than we can ever imagine. how is that possible? it is possible because there is nothing impossible for him to do. God would never allow those that are His, to be far off. even when such an individual desires to go far off, he is always chasing behind, pleading but never compelling that individual to turn around and come His way. this is not a homily on this text, it is rather to restate a fact which is that in the midst of your confusion, trials and troubles, God who is infinitely distanced is very close to you. and also to assure us of the fact that even though we are in many regards very diffeernt in minds and thought from God, He still loves us, with a love that is very hard to understand. we are walking with a God whose ways are very strange. imagine the situation of an individual who has for a long time prayed and fasted for a particular intention, and yet response does not come. he rather sees others, who have not prayed or fasted as hard getting such prayers for them on a platter of gold. what do you expect such a one to think? your guess can be as good as mine- frustration and pain. to such an individual, Isaiah 55:8-9 gives you an answer. we most times do not get what we want from God because we are not ready to receive it and moreso becasue that is not the right time for us to get it. God does not desire that we leave Him alone, even though He can do without us. He has a mind of His own and He would answer us when the time is right, with an answer that would wow us. AND SO YOU THINK GOD DOES NOT CARE?