Daily Shower is here for propagating the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Rain down, O heavens, from above. Let the clouds pour down righteousness[all the blessings of God]. Let the earth open up, let salvation bear fruit, And righteousness spring up with it; I, the Lord, have created it (Isaiah 45:8).

Time to sanitise the Church of God …

He found the people who were selling oxen and sheep and doves, and the money changers sitting at their tables. He made a whip of cords, and drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and the oxen; and He scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables; then to those who sold the doves He said, “Take these things away! Stop making My Father’s house a place of commerce! John 2: 13-16

Marriage is good. But you must be prepared for it

Before marriage there are some skills you must have acquired, don't forget that marriage is not between a boy and a girl but between a man and a woman of matured mind and have understood what marriage is all about. This is very important for any one planning on settling down, also remember that wedding is for a day and marriage is everlasting, this is the more reason you must have acquire the skills below before marriage. Read more here...

Try online learning to improve your education

A lot of people wish to or are pursuing an online education in order to further their academic goals. But what exactly are the benefits of pursuing an online education?

Division of Labour in God's House

The story was so inspiring that I always consider it a good illustration of how one should live his life… Read Ephesians 5:23,25-26


Hi all…. I hope you enjoyed your Christmas?

As the year comes to close, different organizations like yahoo, msn and Google reviewed their sites and published the leading stories of 2010 as well as the general expectation for next year. 2010 is a great year to reflect on. So much has happened in our lives that I think we need to review to see the things we have done and a few things that should have been done. End of the year becomes a time when we all reflect on our lives, relationships, family, carrier and our religious activities.

Gratitude is one thing I give to God when I reflect about what has happened in my life this past year. It’s not being easy; there are times like Elijah experienced that I was fleeing for life and ready to lie down and give up on the journey. At these times, I felt quite drained but God is always God and knows exactly what his children needs the most.

The coming year will give us the opportunity to reflect on our lives and see areas we didn’t do well so as to be able to amend. It is another chance to repair a broken relationship, a family relationship, to reconcile you with God. Don't bear grudges, just forgive yourself, and then forgive everyone else who needs it. Make this a time to clear the decks and start next year full of excitement and expectation.

The reason we do not accomplish the larger things in life is because we do not expect great things of ourselves. Within each of us are powers, which if we would discover and use, could make us everything we ever dreamed or imagine we could become. You are never too late to succeed in your career, your education, vocation and in life. Don’t ever thing this is the end; it’s never over until God says it’s over. You are never too late to get married, get an admission or become the person God created you to be.

Self discovery is the started point of all achievement. You are either self made or never made. God has created you with everything for success. What majority of us don’t know is that what we call trails and failures, are God’s ways of training the man or woman he chooses. Christ was not immune to suffering, you too will not be immune to it that is why john 16:33 says… the world will make you suffer, but be brave! I have defected the world! And if God is for us, who can be against us?

Every man, woman and child who has left their mark on humanity discovered the infinite source of all good or as the philosophers say.. The First Cause of all things. God is a FACTOR you cannot afford to lack in 2011. With God, You will be able to RELAX and see things turn out for good.

Changing the world starts with one simple act. As St. Francis of Assisi once said, "Start by doing what is necessary, then do what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible." 2011, then becomes a time for us to dream big, to go out and motivate others, to go out and do things that others will remember us for. I think that may give you the necessary inspiration and motivation you need for success.
Life is a constant Advent season: we are continually waiting to become, to discover, to complete, to fulfill. Hope, struggle, fear, expectation and fulfillment are all part of our Advent experience. "The world is not as just, not as loving, not as whole as we know it can and should be. But the coming of Christ and his presence among us—as one of us—give us a reason to live in hope: that light will shatter the darkness, that we can be liberated from our fears and prejudices, that we are never alone or abandoned.

May this New Year be a time for bringing hope, transformation and fulfillment into every areas of our lives.

Wishing you all a happy new year..