Daily Shower is here for propagating the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Rain down, O heavens, from above. Let the clouds pour down righteousness[all the blessings of God]. Let the earth open up, let salvation bear fruit, And righteousness spring up with it; I, the Lord, have created it (Isaiah 45:8).

Time to sanitise the Church of God …

He found the people who were selling oxen and sheep and doves, and the money changers sitting at their tables. He made a whip of cords, and drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and the oxen; and He scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables; then to those who sold the doves He said, “Take these things away! Stop making My Father’s house a place of commerce! John 2: 13-16

Marriage is good. But you must be prepared for it

Before marriage there are some skills you must have acquired, don't forget that marriage is not between a boy and a girl but between a man and a woman of matured mind and have understood what marriage is all about. This is very important for any one planning on settling down, also remember that wedding is for a day and marriage is everlasting, this is the more reason you must have acquire the skills below before marriage. Read more here...

Try online learning to improve your education

A lot of people wish to or are pursuing an online education in order to further their academic goals. But what exactly are the benefits of pursuing an online education?

Division of Labour in God's House

The story was so inspiring that I always consider it a good illustration of how one should live his life… Read Ephesians 5:23,25-26

Division of labour; Pathway to Heaven

 DAILY SHOWER February 12, 2022 Devotion and Declarations

Prayer before the Word: 

 _Almighty father, I thank You for Your love and care towards me. Please, forgive my trespasses and open my eyes to study, understand and live by Your word in Jesus name, Amen_ 

*TODAY’S TOPIC: Division of labour; Pathway to Heaven*

Text: Ephesians 5:23,25-26 (AMP Bible)

"For the husband is head of the wife, as Christ is head of the church, Himself being the Savior of the body. Husbands, love your wives [seek the highest good for her and surround her with a caring, unselfish love], just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her, so that He might sanctify the church, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word [of God]."


The kingdom of God is rooted in authority and kingship. God is at the top as leader or highest. We are the subordinates or followers. In the Church, same thing applies. At homes, the authority fails at the husbands as head, wives and children follow. Everyone has an assigned role, and is expected to carry-on the roles diligently. So, what is your role or position in life? How are you addressing your God's purpose in your life?


O God, I worship and exalt Your name. Have mercy on me for not adhering to Your instructions in life. Help me to draw closer to serve You better in Jesus name, Amen.

*1. I am in God's hands. He has assigned roles to me as...(mention your position).*

*2. I cannot disappoint my God. I carry the anointing to do exploit in the area He has assigned me.*

*3. I shall keep rising to conquer my fear, build and dominate in the name of Jesus, Amen.*

*4. I shall be a blessing to my generation in the morning, afternoon, evening and night. *

*5. I hereby decree and declare that God has taken over my life and surrounding. Therefore, I will never lack again in Jesus name, Amen!*

God's Presence and Freedom

 DAILY SHOWER February 10, 2022 Devotion and declarations*

Prayer before the Word: 

 _I have come to worship and adore Your Holy name this morning, O God. I'm happy that You made me to be living among the living today. Please forgive my sins and let Your grace take me higher in Jesus name, Amen_ 

*TODAY’S THEME: God's Presence and Freedom*

Text: Ezekiel 43:7-9

"[7]And He [the Lord] said to me, Son of man, this is the place of My throne and the place of the soles of My feet, where I will dwell in the midst of the children of Israel forever; and My holy name the house of Israel shall no more profane, neither they nor their kings, by their [idolatrous] harlotry, nor by the dead bodies and monuments of their kings,

[8]Nor by setting their threshold by My thresholds and their doorposts by My doorposts, with a mere wall between Me and them. They have profaned My holy name by their abominations which they have committed; therefore I have consumed them in My anger.

[9]Now let them put away their [idolatrous] harlotry and the dead bodies and monuments of their kings far from Me, and I will dwell in their midst forever."


Have you ever received an open  invitation from a king or leader like Governor, Senator, House of Rep member or LG to attend a party or have tea with them? If no, why? If yes, how did you feel about the invitation? How did you prepare or attend such important? You will sure be tempted to purchase a new attire or wear the best out of many existing in your wardrobe. Some may also consult other experts like communicators to learn how to talk when meeting with the leader; or religious leaders to fortify them to obtain favour from the leader instantly; etc. However, here is God calling us to forsake our old ways and draw closer to Him. God in verse 9 of today's devotion is assuring us that He will surely draw his blessings, love and salvation unto us once we agree to return to Him. Isn't it amazing that the requirements are not expensive compared to what is tenable to the world?


O God, ever forgiven and ever promoting, have mercy on me. Please help me to follow You by answering that a clarion call now in Jesus , Amen.

*1. My God is a covenant keeping God. Therefore, I  have chosen to keep my covenant with God.*

*2. My God is by my doorstep; I won't be moved.*

*3. Because I have agreed to serve God in a higher level, I will not go back the same.*

*4. I shall be a bless in the morning, afternoon and night!*

*5. I hereby decree and declare that God has taken over my  plights. I shall receive a Divine increase in my family, academics, business, spiritual life and so on, in Jesus name, Amen!*

Let your stand define you and your position in life

  *DAILY SHOWER February 9, 2022 Devotion and declarations*

Prayer before the Word: 

 _O God, I honour You today for Your kindness to me. I pray You to forgive my sin and help me to always meditate and abide by Your words in Jesus name, Amen_ 

*TODAY’S THEME: Let your stand define you and your position in life*

Text: Esther 3:1-3,8

"[1]AFTER THESE things, King Ahasuerus promoted Haman the son of Hammedatha the Agagite and advanced him and set his seat above all the princes who were with him.

[2]And all the king's servants who were at the king's gate bowed down and did reverence to Haman, for the king had so commanded concerning him. But Mordecai did not bow down or do him reverence.

[3]Then the king's servants who were at the king's gate said to Mordecai, Why do you transgress the king's command?

[8]Then Haman said to King Ahasuerus, There is a certain people scattered abroad and dispersed among the peoples in all the provinces of your kingdom; their laws are different from every other people, neither do they keep the king's laws. Therefore it is not for the king's profit to tolerate them."


Are you for or against? How do people see you among your village, society or community? What could be your stand to a justice or injustice done to people? We see in the book of Esther 2 how the plots to assassinate King Ahasuerus was exposed by Esther through her uncle, Mordecai. But instead of honouring Mordecai, the enemy of the Jews, Haman was promoted. Haman's promotion 'entered' his brain; he became proud and positioned himself as God. Mordecai stood his ground not to reverence him as God. In verses 3, people were surprised and persuaded Mordecai to accept the reality but he refused. In verse 8 Haman had to report to King  Ahasuerus, and in reporting this, he clearly described the Jews as "different people," "violators of Kings Commands/laws..." You will be faced with this kind of scenario in your everyday life once your stand becomes known. Bible wants us to always make our stand known before the king and the followers. On no account must you compromise. It may be tough and painful. But once you maintain your ground success will be your baptismal name at the end. Study down to chapter 6 to see how God elevated him at the end. 


O God I honour Your name for this great opportunity You gave me to study Your word. Please, water it to germinate and bear fruits in my life in Jesus name, Amen.

*1. I have decided to serve God in truth and honesty. There is nothing that can stop or make me look back.*

*2. O God, help me to make my stand known no matter the condition.*

*3. Because my stand is in Christ Jesus, there's nothing that will make me loose my blessings from above.*

*4. I shall be blessed in the morning, afternoon and night!*

*5. I hereby decree and declare that has takeover my plights. I shall receive a Divine increase in my family, academics, business, spiritual life and so on, in Jesus name, Amen!*

You're the light of the world

 *DAILY SHOWER February 8, 2022 Devotion and declarations*

Prayer before the Word: 

 _O God, receive my praises and honour this morning. May Your name be glorified in the highest as You keep leading me according to Your will in Jesus name, Amen_ 

*TODAY’S THEME: You're the light of the world*

Text: Ephesians 5:7-10

"[7]So do not associate or be sharers with them.

[8]For once you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord; walk as children of Light [lead the lives of those native-born to the Light].

[9]For the fruit (the effect, the product) of the Light or the Spirit [consists] in every form of kindly goodness, uprightness of heart, and trueness of life.

[10]And try to learn [in your experience] what is pleasing to the Lord [let your lives be constant proofs of what is most acceptable to Him]."


Bible says you're the light of the world; a city set on the mountain that cannot be hidden. A light is supposed to beam or give way to the world. When and wherever there is light, darkness disappears. It adds that value to the world. Once one confess Christ as His personal Lord and Saviour, he is expected to be given way for others to see and embrace Christ. So, let your life be like that of Christ now!!!


The ancient of days, I thank you for standing for me all these days and years. I pray You not to forsake me now in Jesus name, Amen.

*1. I am alive today because of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, I live worship and serve Him alone.*

*2. Holy spirit of God, my life is available. Come over here to sanitise me.*

*3. O God, have Your way in my life.*

*4. Any atom of filtyness in my life, must vanish away now!*

*5. I hereby decree and declare that my God has taken over my life. Therefore, everything concerning me, my family, academics, business, spiritual life and so on must reflect Christ in Jesus name, Amen!*



Optimal and Continuous Sanitation of the Righteous

 DAILY SHOWER February 7, 2022 Devotion and declarations

Prayer before the Word: 

 _O God the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, I give You thanks for a bright new day. Eternal rock of ages, forgive me my sins, and help me to work in Your vineyard today in Jesus name, Amen_ 

*TODAY’S THEME: Optimal and Continuous Sanitation of the Righteous*

Text: Ephesians 4:22-24

"[22]Strip yourselves of your former nature [put off and discard your old unrenewed self] which characterized your previous manner of life and becomes corrupt through lusts and desires that spring from delusion;

[23]And be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind [having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude],

[24]And put on the new nature (the regenerate self) created in God's image, [Godlike] in true righteousness and holiness."


Sanitation is one thing every sane person is directly or indirectly engaging on at all time not minding their socioeconomic status in Society. If it is not keeping selves or love ones clean, it involves activities aimed at keeping the surroundings clean such as sweeping, cleaning, parking, relocating the refuse or burning and so on. When a place or person is clean, people intend to live and associate freely with them. Untidy environment is prone to erosion, sickness, death, etc. This is why the government at all levels constantly invest into environmental sanitation. Today, we are being reminded of the importance of sanitasing our spiritual and physical minds as Christians. It's not what should be done once and stop. When you become newly born-again, you're told to go for restitution. But Spirit and Physical sanitation is more than that. In verse two, we are told to do it more frequently. That is to always recognise yourself as a sinner and seek mercy of God. Not frugality, pride or ego like the Pharisee that stood to castigate others. In verse 23, it says that a person who is in Christ is expected to have a change of attitude, action, and so on. That is if you're previously known as a Church goer, you will seek to do one or two things in the Church. Or to help the needy around you, etc. Then to crown it all, you must live like Christ. Brethren look inward to see if you're abiding by this and make necessary corrections. 


Oh God, I worship You for reminding me of what to do to prove that I am Your ambassador on Earth. My spirit is willing but my physical body is unwilling. Please have mercy on me, let Your Grace shines forth and make all the impossibilities possible in my life, Amen!

*1. I am alive today because of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, I live worship and serve Him alone.*

*2. Holy spirit of God, my life is available. Come over here to sanitise me.*

*3. O God, have Your way in my life.*

*4. Any atom of filtyness in my life, must vanish away now!*

*5. I hereby decree and declare that my God has taken over my life. Therefore, everything concerning me, my family, academics, business, spiritual life and so on must reflect Christ in Jesus name, Amen!*

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Why fear the empty vessels

DAILY SHOWER February 6, 2022 Devotion and declarations

Prayer before the Word: 

 _O God I thank You for a gift of life You bestowed on me and my family. Redeemer, please, help me not to abuse such great opportunity in Jesus name, Amen_ 

TODAY’S THEME: Why fear the empty vessels

Text: Jeremiah 10:5-7

"[5][Their idols] are like pillars of turned work [as upright and stationary and immobile as a palm tree], like scarecrows in a cucumber field; they cannot speak; they have to be carried, for they cannot walk. Do not be afraid of them, for they cannot do evil, neither is it possible for them to do good [and it is not in them].

[6]None at all is like You, O Lord; You are great, and Your name is great in might.

[7]Who would not fear You, O King of the nations? For it is fitting to You and Your due! For among all the wise [men or gods] of the nations and in all their kingdoms, there is none like You."


There is a popular saying that an empty vessel makes a loudest 'noise.' You know they are usually thrown away after consuming or utilising their contents. So, in order to be noticed or remain relevant they resolve to making 'noise.' But the question is; what else is their worth other than the noise? Nothing! Idols or idolatry worshipping is equivalent to that. Those who worship them make noise, threatens people and kill. In verse 5 of today's texts, we see that they are nothing, useless and worthless, and shouldn't elicit fear from people of God. God, the creator of universe is the Lord to be feared and respected because there is none like Him (verse 7). Not even your boss in office is worth to make you develop fear.


Oh God, I worship You for another great opportunity to reflect on Your words. I am sorry for ever developing fear over the threats of devils and their agents. Please help me with Your Grace to stand firm in my faith and fear only You in Jesus name, Amen!

*1. God is my all in all. Therefore, I shall fear nothing.*

*2. I cannot submit to any god or power other than God, my creator.*

*3. With God by my side and within me, no evil shall trespass my way or home.*

*4. The works of my hands shall no longer be troubled. I shall continue to grow from glory to glory in Jesus name, Amen!*

*5. I hereby decree and declare that all good things from God will continue to locate and take me higher in Jesus name, Amen!*