My relationship with God

hmmm... my relationship with God has been for a very long time very one-sided. it has all been about- God give me this, God help me with that, God rescue me from this, God do this for me... in essence it has always been about God helping me. that is why I say that it has been very onesided. Is this onesided relational nature a bad thing? Is my relationship with God all about the help He offers me? every one should ask him/herself this question. People say that God is just a figment of fantasy to those that have not made it in life, to the poor, the downtrodden, the oppressed. they say that God is not who we take Him to be.

I say with all air of authority behind me that if this is who people take God to be, then I better be considered as one among the aforementioned. Yes, indeed, I am always in need of God's help and yes that pretty much determines my relationship with Him, because I am nothing without Him, I will be nothing with out Him and I was nothing without Him. so why am I distressed at the fact that my relationship with God has always been about asking and asking? it is because, I have no other person to turn to and it is most definately because I have in God a Father who is ready to respond to my every need.

I instead thank God that my relationship with Him has been one sided, I do not regret ever being His and I will rather remain poor and oppressed in God than rich and delivered without God. To all who might have considered this question, i say to you that God is happy that the relationship you have with Him is One-sided, take it from me, He would not be happy if it was otherwise. I always want my relationship with God to be Onesided, I know that achievements and successes do matter, but God matters more. do not think that I ahve achieved anything in life, no, but whether I will acheive or not, i rather remain God's slave than the Devil's personal assistant. I am happy with the realtionship and God is too. Thus this is what I will do, I will keep asking for God's help till I enjoy His beatific vision in heaven. what of you...?